Monday 23 July 2012

Welcome to the See Saw Section


The See Saw section is a balanced approach to how to view news, topics and issues. Dealing with contemporary issues, I will be laying out the most controversial or engaging stories of the moment and offering both sides of the argument. The focus will be on balance and neutrality. This blog will dissect the issue in order to uncover the implications and motivations behind current events. The aim is not to "out the truth" or uncover conspiracies, lies and deceit, rather it will shine a light on an issue to hopefully give perspective and, at times, objectivity.

Most of the time I will resist slathering my personal opinions all over a story as senseless ranting will result in being no more than a glorified comment under a Guardian news story. The intention will always be to offer both sides, both perspectives and maintain as neutral an outcome as possible. Granted, there are never only two sides to one story, but essentially the split will be between why something can be perceived as "good" for happening and "bad". Obviously the topics will be hand picked so that balance is viable and realistic- I'm not going to find a reason why the Colorado Batman shooting can be perceived as good for society- but I will be trying to find areas where only single aspects are focused upon by the media and understandably so- if everything is going swimmingly, that's hardly news. An example would be the Olympics; the news aren't going to report that the buses are going fine, the stadium is ready, and everyone is enjoying their hotels, but they are going to focus on what is more sensational and what jarrs expectations (but this is an issue for a later post).

So the format will be as follows: Each week I will offer up a new, current news story or issue and outline its foundations and complications. Each post will then be split into two opposing sections, antagonising over largely the same points. I will be attempting to make this less of a debate between the two and more a change of perspective but this will have to wait until I get into some more to see how viable this is.

*note* I say each week but this will depend on me, though I am a hugely un-busy person  at the moment.

The topics I have lined up so far are (in a potential order):

  • Terry/Ferdinand - How racist is racism?
  • The Coalition and how we view the Government
  • The Olympics (hopefully in full swing by then)
  • Facebook cashing in off personal data
  • Syria and foreign policy/the UK's army
  •  #YOLO+ Twitter- does anyone give a damn?
  • The Recession- it's coverage and public understanding
Obviously these can all change if some unexpected gold mine of a story occurs but this is a draft list. I may find the recession topic is too great and leave it out, the last thing I want to do is cut swathes of information about something as that essentially goes against the entire point of this blog.

So there we have it. The first post should be appearing sometime today and of there are any issues or stories anyone wants to see covered, please comment. (and in general, comment away). 

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